Friday, July 29, 2011

DC New 52

       In an effort to get new interest in its comic line, in August, DC Comics will make some major changes to 52 of its comic books, including its big 3 - Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. 
       In addition to renumbering all 52 comics, starting each with Issue #1, many of our heroes will have changes made to their iconic outfits.
      While I love DC's effort to turn more people over to the "dark side" or "Dark Knight side" that is comic book reading/collecting, I'm not sure i like the idea of tampering with tradition.  The "Superman" line of comics has been around for over 70 years. Is publishing a NEW Action Comics #1 really going to get more people reading the adventures of the Man of Steel? I think all it's going to do  is make a bunch of non-comic readers who think they can make a quick buck, run out and stock up on a bunch of first issues. Once the frenzy over the first issues dies down, and all is said and done, DC readership will stay pretty much the same.
      That being said, I do like the artwork Im seeing for these new issues  and the storylines do seem interesting, so I think the current readers will be happy with the changes overall. I for one can't wait until August 31.

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