Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Going "Batty" Over Barbara

      In a previous blog I mentioned that DC Comics is doing a relaunch of 52 of its books, starting next month. In the last few days there has been a huge outcry of dissent, as well as support, for one particular "reboot"- bringing Barbara Gordon back as "Batgirl".
     For those who aren't familiar with the back story, Barbara became a sidekick to the Dark Knight in the mid-60's, as a way to introduce the character into the "Batman" tv show. She continued as Batgirl on and off until the late- 80's. 
     In the revolutionary graphic novel, "The Killing Joke", in an attempt to drive Commissioner Gordon insane,the Joker shot Barbara, paralyzing her. In an attempt to continue fighting crime, Ms. Gordon became a computer genius named "Oracle",the persona she has maintained until the upcoming re-boot.

    At this point, I'd also like to mention that I can relate strongly to the Oracle character, because I too am disabled. Unlike characters like Daredevil, who overcame his blindness, to the point where it became a "non-issue", Barbara overcame her disability but, it continued to be ever present.
     Now for the controversy. Many people, including myself, would like to see Barbara continue as Oracle. In the re-boot the timeline will go back to BEFORE Barbara's shooting, restoring the use of her legs. I feel that there are so few disabled characters portrayed in comics, especially in the DC Universe, so why take one away? Many women want to see her restored to Batgirl so she can be portrayed as a strong woman in a predominantly male comic book universe.
     I can see their point but my argument is can't she be both? As Oracle, can't she be portrayed as a strong disabled woman? Thereby representing both groups?
     Overall, I'm happy with the idea of DC's re-boot, but in this particular case, I'm very disappointed in their creative decision

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